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The shift from college to real life can be a tough one, but if you're able to maintain a positive outlook, it can also be a fun, exciting time. Hoping to amp up your optimism and get ahead? You'll thrive during the postgrad transitionby following these mood-boosting tips: 從校園生活到現實生活的轉變過程可能會非常艱難,但是如果你能保持樂觀的心態,這段時間也可以是充滿樂趣、令人興奮的。想要提升你的樂觀情緒並取得進步嗎?遵循以下這些能讓你保持樂觀情緒的建議,你將會在從校園到職場的轉型期裏茁壯成長。

Connect With Fellow Grads 和大學同學保持聯繫

After four years of roommates, cafeterias, and constant companions, the postgrad life can feel like an awfully lonely road. FeeLing a little lost? Look for someone who truly understands what you're going through and reach out to friends who can offer an empatheticear. 和大學的好夥伴們同吃同住同行度過了四年,畢業後的生活確實讓人感覺十分寂寞。是否有些失落呢?找一個能真正理解你內心煎熬的朋友,也可以向那些和你有同感的朋友傾訴。

Build a Professional Network 建立一個職業網絡

Finding a job can definitely be stressful, so make the task easier on yourself by establishing a strong network of young professionals. The more people you know, the more likely you are to have a valuable, job-securing connection. Begin by reaching out via LinkedIn or Facebook, then send an email to friends and parents who may be able to help. Every little effort will make you feel productive and just a bit more self-assured. 找工作無疑會讓你壓力巨大,建立一個年輕專業人員的強大網絡會讓你的求職變得容易些。你認識的人越多,你就越有可能獲得一種有價值的關係,這將有助於你找到工作。剛開始可以在商務化人際關係網(LinkedIn) 或社交網絡(Facebook)上尋找聯繫人,之後可以給可能會幫助你的朋友和父母發電子郵件。每一點努力都會讓你感到成就感,也會讓你多一份自信。

Learn From the Experts 向專家學習

Feeling defeated and uninspired? Do a bit of research to find local lectures related to your field. Attend panels, join job-related groups, and read as much as possible about the industry you hope to join. Taking a few (or several) steps in the right direction will reinvigorate your professional passions and kick-start your enthusiasm. 有挫敗感,毫無創意?搜索一下,尋找當地和你的工作領域相關的講座。出席專題討論會,加入和工作相關的團體,並且儘可能多地閱讀你渴望加入的產業相關的書籍。朝着正確的方向邁進幾步會讓你重燃職業激情,並且讓你的熱情迸發。

讓畢業生馳騁職場的妙招 第2張

Remember to Look Forward 記住要向前看

It's only natural to get nostalgicevery once in a while, but don't let yourself long for the glory days too often. Instead, map out your dream life. Decide where you want to be in five, 10, 15 years, then create an inspiration board to keep your eyes on the prize. 偶爾懷舊一下還算正常,但不要讓自己總是沉湎於過去的光輝歲月。相反你應該籌劃一下夢想的生活。決定未來的5年、10年、15年你想要成爲什麼樣的人,然後製作一塊鼓舞人心的標牌,一直盯着你可能收穫的那些回報。

Take Steps Toward Your Goal 朝着目標步步爲營

It's easy to say what you want, but real happiness comes from acting on that desire. Fantasize about your future as an event planner? Throw parties to showcase your talent, start a blog to build a following, and reach out to experts to find a mentor you respect. Gaining credibility is sure to strengthen your confidence, so you'll be back on the optimistic path in no time. 說出自己想要什麼很容易,但真正的幸福來自於爲這種渴望付出的行動。像一名規劃師那樣幻想你的未來嗎?舉辦聚會來展現你的才能,開通博客來吸引一羣粉絲,多和專家接觸來尋找你尊敬的良師益友。收穫信譽度毫無疑問會增強你的自信心,這樣你很快就會迴歸樂觀的軌道。

The bottom line: Transitions aren't easy, so it's important to cut yourself some slack as you move through the gray area. Tuck away the scrapbooksfor another time, and for now, just remember to stay connected, put yourself out there, and focus on the bright future that lies ahead of you. 結束語:從畢業生到職場人的轉型並不容易,所以當你穿過這片灰色地帶時,克服自身的懶散非常重要。把相冊先收起來留着以後用,現在只要記住,保持和周圍人的聯繫,勇敢地邁向職場,專注於擺在你面前的光明未來。