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衆明星退出社交網 迎接國際艾滋病日

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Alicia Keys, Lady Gaga and Justin Timberlake are signing off from all social media platforms, and they won't be back until AIDS charity Keep a Child Alive has raised $1 million.

衆明星退出社交網 迎接國際艾滋病日

For the campaign, the stars have filmed “last tweet and testament” videos and will appear in adverts showing them lying in coffins to represent their ‘digital deaths.’

Alicia will also be joined by her husband Swizz Beatz, Kim and Khloe Kardashian, Usher, Jennifer Hudson, Ryan Seacrest, Elijah Wood and Serena Williams in the campaign, which will start on Wednesday, World AIDS Day.

爲了配合明天(12月1日)一年一度的國際艾滋病日,包括小天后Lady Gaga、Justin Timberlake、Alicia Keys等人美國娛樂圈的一衆明星決定自當日起退出一切社交網絡,直至爲艾滋病慈善機構Keep a Child Alive目擊一百萬美元的善款。同時,爲了宣傳這一倡議,明星們更是拍攝了電視廣告《最後一次更新與遺囑》:躺在棺材中以顯示他們的‘digital deaths(數字化死亡)’。

Alicia said no one she has approached had turned her down, explaining: “Once I got people on the phone and I was able to paint the concept for them, everybody was in.”

Leigh Blake, who is president and co-founder of the charity, added: “We're trying to sort of make the remark: Why do we care so much about the death of one celebrity as opposed to millions and millions of people dying in the place that we're all from?”

加入這項由歌手Alicia Keys所發起的行動的明星還包括有她的新婚丈夫 Swizz Beatz, Kim and Khloe Kardashian, Usher, Jennifer Hudson, Ryan Seacrest, Elijah Wood和Serena Williams。這項活動將於12月1日正式啓動,屆時,這些明星將從twitter、facebook、myspace等社交網絡中銷聲匿跡。Alicia表示各位同行共襄盛舉的熱情讓她很感動,她說:“我通過電話聯繫大家,向他們解釋了這項行動的意圖,所有人都二話不說的加入了。”

Almost all the stars involved have over a million followers on Twitter, with Gaga alone having 7.2 million.

Leigh added: “I have a feeling that Gaga is going to raise it all by herself."

據報道,這羣明星擁有成千上百萬的關注者,光是Lady Gaga一人便有七百二十萬人之多,慈善機構的主席Leigh Blake說道:“我有種預感,Lady Gaga一人便能完成籌集善款的目標。”