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上個月,一位小哥和陌生鄰居合奏鋼琴的視頻在Tik Tok上火了。創作者喬治剛從意大利搬到英國倫敦居住。二月,喬治被隔壁傳來的琴聲吸引。那時他並沒有意識到,一段徹底改變他生活的友誼正等待着他。

Back in Februray, Giorgio Lo Porto posted a video on Tik Tok about his new neighbor — and their unbelievable piano talent! The post began a series of clips over the next month that showed the duo’s relationship playing out in the form of two pianos separated by one wall.
今年二月,喬治在Tik Tok上發佈了一段關於新鄰居的視頻,說Ta有着難以置信的鋼琴天賦!接下來的一個月裏,喬治在自己的賬號上發佈了一系列視頻,展示了通過鋼琴合奏,一牆之隔的兩人結下了一段美好的友誼。



喬治邀請鄰居合奏一曲。於是小哥在約好的時間開始彈奏《River Flows In You》,然後停下,緊張等待對面的迴應……

結果沒有讓喬治失望:幾秒後,牆的那邊傳來音樂,接上了小哥的旋律。這次合奏在Tik Tok上獲得了170萬觀看。

When Giorgio heard the notes coming from the other side of the wall, you can really see in his face how moved he was.

第一次合奏成功之後,喬治和鄰居形成了默契,每週末都會合奏一曲。情人節到了,兩人再次合奏了《River Flows In You》,喬治感動地在視頻中寫到:

“This was our way of saying ‘I don’t know who you are, but I’m here. You’re not alone. This is for you too.’”


Turns out, his neighbor’s name was Emil and he was 78 years old, originally from Poland. His wife had passed away in December from COVID-19 and the apartment in which he was staying was a temporary accommodation until he would sell his house. The only consolation left to Emil was his piano. The reason he was playing at 2 pm and also duetting at that time with Giorgio was because his wife.

小哥和老爺爺約定,在他搬走之前,會一直合奏下去。感動於伊梅爾的故事,喬治以此爲靈感開始創作自己的第一首歌,名字就叫《Dear Emil》(親愛的伊梅爾)。


“When I wrote this piece I started picturing Emil’s life. A 78 widower that lost the love of his life because of this stupid virus. Spending day alone at home due to lockdown. Looking forward to play her favorite piano song at 2 pm every weekend. Until a note appeared on his door. A letter showing that he was heard, and not alone. And a new friendship started. Two pianos between a wall. Not knowing who was playing. But it didn’t matter. You can be the light to somebody else’s darkness.”



Giorgio shared on March 14th that he'd received word that Emil had passed away in his sleep: "And now he is reunited with his wife."

小哥感慨地演奏了《人猿泰山》主題曲《You'll Be In My Heart》記念他……

"Dear Emil," he wrote. "I knew very little about you, but you changed my life. You gave me back my passion, and we shared that with the world. You'll be in my heart. I'll keep playing, thinking of how powerful music can be. You said I was your light, but you've been mine too. Bye, Emil."




