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ROME — One ad pictured a woman holding an hourglass next to the words: Beauty has no age limit. Fertility does.


Another portrayed a pair of baby shoes wrapped in a ribbon of the Italian flag.

另一幅廣告上是一雙嬰兒鞋,上面用意大利國旗圖案的絲帶紮了個蝴蝶結。Yet another showed a man holding a half-burned cigarette: Don’t let your sperm go up in smoke, it read.



They were part of a government effort to promote Fertility Day on Sept. 22, a campaign intended to encourage Italians to have more babies.


Instead, the ads set off a furor, were denounced as being offensive and within days were withdrawn.


What they did succeed in doing, however, was to ignite a deeper and lasting debate about why it is that Italy has one of the lowest birthrates in the world, and what can be done about it.


The problem is not a lack of desire to have children, critics of the campaign say, but rather the lack of meaningful support provided by the government and many employers in a country where the family remains the primary source of child care.


I should be a model for their campaign, and I still feel very offended, said Vittoria Iacovella, 37, a journalist and mother of two girls, ages 10 and 8.

我應該是這次宣傳活動的一個樣板,但我到現在還覺得自己受到了很大的冒犯,37歲的維多利亞•亞科韋拉(Vittoria Iacovella)說。她是一名記者,養育了兩個女兒,一個10歲,一個8歲。

The government encourages us to have babies and then the main welfare system in Italy is still the grandparents.


Many working women, without an extended family to care for a child face a dilemma, as private child care is expensive.


Some also worry that their job security may be undermined by missing workdays because of child care issues.


Many companies do not offer flexible hours for working mothers.


Not surprisingly, Italy’s long slowdown in childbirth has coincided with its recent economic slump.


But Italian families have been shrinking for decades.


In 2015, 488,000 babies were born in Italy, the fewest since the country first unified in 1861.


It has one of the lowest birthrates in Europe, with 1.37 children per woman, compared with a European average of 1.6, according to Eurostat figures.


By contrast, in France, the economy has been flat, too, but a family-oriented system provides a far more generous social safety net that includes day care and subsidies for families to have children.


There, women have two children each on average.


On paper, Italian women have equal rights, said Tiziana Bartolini, editor of Noi Donne, one of Italy’s most prominent feminist magazines.

從理論上講,意大利女性擁有平等的權利,意大利知名女性主義雜誌《我們女人》(Noi Donne)的主編蒂齊亞納•巴爾託利尼(Tiziana Bartolini)說。

But reality tells us a different story.


Women are expected to care for children.


If they live in regions where services are good, or in small towns, they keep their job.


If they live in big, chaotic cities and have no family nearby, they are very prudent about becoming pregnant.


Or they stop working, she added.


Yeah, sure, thought Maria Scioli, 41, a teacher who depends on her family to care for her 15-month-old boy, when she spotted the debate on her Facebook page.

嗯,好吧,41歲的教師瑪麗亞•肖利(Maria Scioli)在自己的Facebook頁面上看到那些爭執時想。她依靠家人照顧15個月大的兒子。

I’d love to have a second child, Scioli said, but my job situation worries me.


And I even feel lucky. I think about all those women my age or younger that couldn’t have babies and had to watch that offensive ad.


Even Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, whose own health minister started the campaign, distanced himself from the ads in a radio interview, noting ironically that none of his friends had their kids after seeing an advert.

在接受電臺採訪時,就連意大利總理馬泰奧•倫齊(Matteo Renzi)也與由他手下的衛生部長髮起的這項宣傳活動保持距離。他不無諷刺意味地指出,自己的朋友沒有一個是在看了廣告之後要的孩子。

Renzi said that to increase the birthrate, structural issues like day care and services needed to be addressed.


Under Renzi, Italy’s government has tried to help families with a so-called baby bonus of 80 to 160 euros (about $90 to $180) for low- and middle-income households, and has approved labor laws giving more flexibility on parental leave.


But Italy allocates only 1 percent of its gross domestic product to social protection benefits — half the European average.


One child out of three here is at risk of relative poverty.


Italy has a terrible combination: low birthrate, low women’s employment and high risk of child poverty, said Alessandro Rosina, a professor of demography at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan.

意大利有一種糟糕的組合:生育率低、女性就業率低,以及兒童貧困風險高,在位於米蘭的聖心天主教大學(Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore)擔任人口學教授的亞歷山德羅•羅西娜(Alessandro Rosina)說。

On this path, Italy can only but have increasing costs for aging people, and increased public debt.


We defend our present, but can’t design the future, he said.


Iacovella, the journalist, said her child’s kindergarten closed two hours before she got off work, and noted that working mothers are frustrated by the little help that Italy gives to women.


She was so offended by the government ads that she vented her anger on Facebook soon after they started appearing, and her comments went viral online.


Italy’s health minister, Beatrice Lorenzin, responding on Facebook, wrote that the Fertility Day campaign was not a call to reproduction but a day to discuss the fertility issues that 15 percent of Italians deal with.

意大利衛生部長貝亞特麗切•洛倫津(Beatrice Lorenzin)在Facebook上做出了迴應。她寫道,設置生育日不是呼籲繁殖,而是讓大家在這一天就15%的意大利人都要面對的生育問題進行討論。

She promptly canceled the campaign.


I am saddened that the launch of the advertising campaign misled many people, Lorenzin said.


I withdrew it to change it.
