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女孩應該花那麼多時間追偶像嗎? Should Girls Spend so Much Time Following Their Idols?

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女孩應該花那麼多時間追偶像嗎? Should Girls Spend so Much Time Following Their Idols?
Nowadays, many femAle students are idolaters. In order to chase after their idols, they always do extreme ways. For example, they listen to their idols' songs almost every minute in their daily life. With a smart phone, they do it when reading books, doing homework, having meals, and even walking on the road, which may have many bad effects on their health and even cause safety problems. Besides, plenty of girls think they like their idols so much that they chase after their idols wherever they go, just to get their signatures. They also daydream of dating with their idols and get psychological problems at last. All of these are worth our attention. We should educate girls that their idols are some people who are lucky enough to be famous, and listening to their songs and watching their photos are the things they should do in their life. Thus, they are supposed to balance chasing after idols and their daily life properly.



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