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It might sound like the most unlikely of dating guys, if you want to get the girl, forget the aftershave and try eating garlic instead.


Scientists found the sweat of men who had eaten the bulb smelt more attractive to researchers suggested that women may have evolved to prefer the type of smell that eating garlic - which is a highly nutritious food - produces in armpit sweat, because it suggests the person is healthy.


Garlic has antibiotic, antiviral and antifungal properties and studies have suggested it can help reduce the incidence of colds, and even high blood pressure and some , it could simply be that the antibacterial action of the garlic makes the armpits smell sweeter by reducing the density of the microbes which cause the nasty odours, the researchers from the University of Stirling in Scotland and Charles University in the Czech Republic said.


Certainly, breath odour plays a crucial role in most social interactions, but human axillary (armpit) odour is also an important factor in intimate relationships,’ the researchers wrote in the journal Appetite.’Our results indicate that garlic consumption may have positive effects on perceived body odour hedonicity (the pleasure derived from it), perhaps due to its health effects, for example antioxidant properties and antimicrobial activity.

研究人員在《食 欲》期刊中寫道:“當然在大部分社交中,口氣的作用都極爲重要;但在親密的關係中,腋窩的味道也是重要因素。”“我們的結果表明,吃大蒜對人類的體味感知 (聞到體味後產生的愉悅感)有着正面影響,這或許是出於大蒜對身體的有益影響,比如大蒜的抗氧化作用和殺菌能力。”

From an evolutionary perspective, formation of preferences for diet-associated body odours was possibly shaped by means of sexual the study, 42 men were asked, in rotation, to eat raw garlic, garlic capsules, or no garlic, and wear pads in their armpits for 12 hours afterwards, to collect body odour.


Then, 82 women were asked to sniff the odour samples and judge them on their pleasantness, attractiveness, masculinity and body odour of the men was perceived to be ’significantly more attractive and less intense’ when they had eaten the garlic in bulb and capsule form than when they (the same men) hadn’t eaten it.


The effect only came into play once the men were eating a substantial amount of garlic, the researchers found.
