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英國 教育出口大國的教育問題

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英國 教育出口大國的教育問題

Pedagogy is a difficult word, and not just in terms of pronunciation.


The quality of classroom teaching is the most important aspect of any plan to improve education standards.


But, in the UK at least, it has been the hardest factor to prioritise.


Data released on Tuesday by the OECD, the Paris-based club of mostly rich nations, revealed that the performance of the UK’s schools is flat in a changing world.


The Pisa survey shows there has been little change in the UK’s ranking during the three years since the last international test results were published,


which are taken at age 15 in order to compare standards across the world in reading, maths and science.


In science, the UK managed to improve, climbing from 21st to 15th place in the table of 70 participating nations, but stagnated at 22nd for reading, and 27th for maths is disappointing for a nation with a successful education exports industry (think of the overseas students sent both the UK universities and private schools, swelling the coffers of both).


School standards are rarely out of the headlines and each incoming set of ministers says it is determined for a renewed zeal for improvement.


So why does each successive effort fail? Part of the answer lies in a UK score that masks serious differences between schools in England and those in Scotland and Wales, where education policy is devolved and standards have actually been falling.


In England, meanwhile, the emphasis on testing and inspection introduced by the Labour government in the 2000s seems to have contributed at least to preventing a serious drop-off in achievement.


But Russell Hobby, leader of a headteachers’ association, accuses successive administrations of an obsession with structural change at the expense of focusing on classroom teaching.

但中小學校長聯合會負責人羅素.霍比(Russell Hobby)指責歷屆政府癡迷學校結構改革,卻忽視對課堂教學關注。

Theresa May’s government wishes to expand grammars, the academically selective secondary schools, and faith schools, in spite of controversies about social segregation that attach to both.

特里薩.梅(Theresa May)政府希望擴大文法學校(擇優錄用的中學)和宗教學校的數量,儘管對於這兩類學校會造成社會分化存在爭議。

Before that, former prime minister David Cameron’s government bribed most secondaries out of local government control to make them into autonomous academies, started a new category of parent and charity-led free schools, and wanted to force the academy model on all schools, including primaries (this plan has now been dropped).

在此以前,前首相戴維.卡梅倫(David Cameron)政府藉助實際利益促使多數中學脫離地方政府控制,使它們轉型爲獨立學院,並開啓一個新的類別:由家長、慈善機構主導的自由學校,還希望將這種學院模式應用於所有學校,包括小學(該計劃已被取消)。

And before that, Labour began the academies programme in government and the current war of attrition against local education departments.


These schemes have been devised against a background of recruitment and retention problems in the teaching profession that has now become serious enough to be called a crisis.


Andreas Schleicher, education director at the OECD, today said teacher shortages were seen as a major bottleneck in the attempt to raise standards.

經合組織教育主管安德烈亞斯.施萊歇(Andreas Schleicher)表示,教師短缺是提高教育水平的一個主要瓶頸。

So Mr Hobby’s point should be accepted even by ministers seeking to put the best possible gloss on the survey’s findings.


Plausible solutions include building on the success of Teach First, the groundbreaking operation to recruit the highest-achieving young graduates into the classroom, which went nationwide just over a year ago.

可信的解決方案包括在Teach First(先教書吧)成功的基礎上繼續推進,該項目開創性地將最優秀的年輕畢業生招募到教室,在一年前推廣至全國。

The Financial Times’ Lucy Kellaway, for example, has started Now Teach, a programme to get later-life career changers into on-the-job training for shortage subjects including maths and languages.

例如,英國《金融時報》的露西.凱拉韋(Lucy Kellaway)發起了名爲Now Teach的項目,旨在鼓勵中年改行的職場人士接受在職培訓,以便教一些師資短缺的學科,如數學和語言。

Experts also see continuous professional development for teachers as key, with well-understood, merit-based pathways to promotion.


More imaginative measures to retain teachers would also help — for example, with housing costs — as well adoption of better pedagogy where it is backed by evidence.


For instance, it has been effective to encourage England’s schools to adopt maths mastery techniques modelled on schools in the Asian countries that regularly top the Pisa tables.


But a culture war still rages between ministers who believe in testing knowledge, and experts who believe the jobs of the future demand more skills-based education.


While this continues, the UK can expect to continue to tread water.
