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European parliamentarians have delivered a blow to China’s ambition to be recognised as a “market economy”, a status that would give the Asian country’s exports easier entry into the bloc.



EU lawmakers passed a resolution saying that China was still not eligible for such a step and that there was no case for relaxing anti-dumping rules against the country, which can place retaliatory tariffs on Chinese goods that are found to be below market prices.


Yesterday’s resolution was supported by 546 lawmakers, while only 28 voted against and 77 abstained.


China says it is automatically entitled to obtain market economy status globally, which is one of its most coveted political goals, at the end of this year under World Trade Organisation rules. Supporters of the move, including the UK government, say that awarding the status would boost investment between Europe and China.


However, the status would also make it harder to hit China with anti-dumping tariffs. The recent crisis in the European steel industry has heightened concerns about relaxing such levies, with Europe’s companies saying they have been hammered by un-fairly cheap imports from Chinese mills.


Europe’s growing hostility towards granting China the status comes amid a global backlash against relaxing trade barriers; German public opinion is swinging against a landmark accord with the US, while an unusually protectionist rhetoric is colouring the US presidential race.


Yesterday’s vote was non-binding but sends a signal to the European Commission, which must issue a proposal on the matter this year. The parliament will then vote on whether to approve it.

歐洲議會昨日的投票並無約束力,但它向歐盟委員會(European Commission)發出了一個信號,後者今年必須就這件事提交議案,然後由歐洲議會投票決定是否批准。

“This vote sends a signal that the European Parliament will not accept any measures that weaken our ability to defend ourselves from unfair Chinese competition,” said David Martin, an MEP from the UK Labour party.

“此次投票發出一個信號:如果任何措施削弱我們捍衛自己不受中國不公平競爭影響的能力,歐洲議會就不會接受這種措施,”來自英國工黨的歐洲議會議員戴維•馬丁(David Martin)表示。

“Recognising China as a market economy at the WTO would be to tighten the noose around the UK steel industry’s neck . . . We must act now or there won’t be any EU industry left to defend.”


But people close to the case said the commission was broadly in favour of gran-ting the status, backing Beijing’s claim it was legally entitled to the upgrade. The debate had shifted to whether a deal could be struck that gave special protection to vulnerable industries such as steel, cera-mics, textiles and bicycles, they added.


If China wins the status, importing countries would have to prove that its goods could be classed as dumped by using prices in the Chinese market as their reference. If China is not classed as a market economy, importers can use prices in a third country as a comparison point, enabling them to choose a country that bolsters their case.


Marietje Schaake, a Dutch liberal lawmaker, warned after yesterday’s parliamentary session that China could take legal action to obtain the status.

來自荷蘭自由黨的歐洲議會議員瑪麗切•沙克(Marietje Schaake)在歐洲議會昨日投票後警告,中國可能會採取法律行動來獲得市場經濟地位。

“It is a case that we could lose, which means we would be forced to develop a new approach after all,” she said.
