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污染,一個社會問題Pollution: a Social Problem

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Pollution: a Social Problem

污染,一個社會問題Pollution: a Social Problem

           When we read newspapers, we often come across the word pollution. This word was not familiar to the people some decades ago. But now, it is a serious threat to us means the poisoning of the air, seas, rivers and lands, which would do harm to our health.   There are many factories that bring pollution to us. We can not have fresh air in the morning. This is mainly because of the poisonous smoke coming from factories, especially chemical ones. In rivers, seas and oceans, there are industrial wastes. Some factories just throw their wastes into seas or let them flow into rivers. When people drink the water from such rivers, they get poisoned. Besides, there is rubbish from ships and when sometimes an accident occurs in an ocean, oil flows out from tankers.   On land, the accumulation of rubbish in the streets may dirty the city and ruin our health. This is mainly due to the improper disposal of rubbish by people.   If we do mot fight against pollution, surely one day all of us will be killed. Some people like to put the blame on the industrial revolutions. On the contrary, the pollution problem will be solved only with the help of modem science and technology.
標題:污染:一個社會問題,污染 - 一個社會
內容:污染:一個社會問題,當我們翻開報紙,我們經常會看到這個詞的污染。這個詞是不熟悉的人幾十年前。但現在,這是一個嚴重的威脅,我們指空氣,海洋,河流和土地,這將損害我們的健康中毒。有很多工廠給我們帶來的污染。我們不能在早晨清新的空氣。這主要是因爲工廠的有毒煙霧來,特別是化學的。在河流,海洋,有工業廢料。有些工廠剛剛投入海洋的廢物或讓他們進入河流。當人們飲用這種水的河流,他們得到的毒害。此外,還有船舶的垃圾時,有時事故發生在海洋,石油從油輪流出。在陸地上,在街頭垃圾堆積所帶來的城市和破壞我們的健康。這主要是由於垃圾處置不當人。如果我們對污染摩托羅拉的鬥爭中,一定有一天,我們都將被殺死。有些人喜歡把工業革命的責任。相反,污染問題將得到解決只有在現代科技的幫助。污染 - 一個社會問題我們看報的時候,經常會看到“污染”這個詞。這個詞對於幾十年前的人來說並不熟悉。然而對於我們來說,它是一個嚴重的威脅,因爲它意味着危害空氣,海洋,河流和土地,進而對我們造成傷害。有很多工廠給我們帶來了污染。早上我們呼吸不到新鮮的空氣。這主要是因爲這些工廠裏排放出有毒的氣體,尤其是化工廠。在江河湖海里到處都有工業垃圾。一些工廠把廢棄物排放到江河和海洋裏。人們喝了這裏面的水就會中毒。除此之外,還有從船上扔下來的垃圾和海洋裏發生事故的船隻流出來的油。在陸地上,街道上亂扔的垃圾不僅影響市容,還危害我們的健康。這主要是因爲人們對垃圾的不正確的處理。我們如果不對污染採取措施,總有一天我們會被殺死的。有些人總愛把這歸咎於工業革命。相反,污染問題還必須靠現代科學和技術來解決。


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