
首頁 > 商務英語 > 常用商務英語口語 > 原汁原味商務英語播客第85課:非正式的產品介紹


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In this Business English Podcast lesson, we're going to look at the language of presenting your products and services to potential clients in informal situations.
Following on from our episode on hosting a site visit, we return to our friends at the railway tunnel. Stanley Wang is a site agent for a railway construction project in western China. He has just taken Matt and Paul, sales engineers from a small American company, on a tour of the tunnel. Now, in the evening, Stanley and his boss Bill Zhang are hosting a dinner for Matt and Paula. The group is discussing possibilities for future cooperation.
從上節課中場所訪問回來,我們返回在鐵路隧道中的朋友處。Stanley Wang 是中國鐵路建設項目在中國西部的工地主管。他帶着從美國一家小公司來這的銷售工程師Matt and Paul參觀了隧道。現在已經是傍晚了,Stanley和他的老闆Bill Zhang正在宴請Matt and Paula。他們正在討論將來合作的可能性問題。
In many countries and cultures around the world, informal occasions – such as a friendly meal or a game of a golf – are more important to the sales process than a formal presentation in the boardroom. And so in this episode, we'll be studying language for presenting our products in such casual situations. In particular, we'll see how you can sell your products in relation to your customers' needs with a few soft-sell techniques.
Listening Questions:
1. Were Matt and Paula able to go to the tunnel face, that is, the end of the tunnel?
2. What is the main point of interest that Matt and Paula pursue in the discussion?
3. What are the advantages that Matt and Paula's device have over traditional surveying?