
首頁 > 口語英語 > 實用生活英語口語 > 美語情景對話 第1272期:How often do you check your e mail? 你多久查看一次郵箱?

美語情景對話 第1272期:How often do you check your e mail? 你多久查看一次郵箱?

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George: Hi, I'm George from Hawaii.


Crystal: And I'm Crystal from America.


George: And today's question is how often do you check your e-mail? So, Crystal, how often do you check your e-mail?


Crystal: Well, before I used to never check my e-mail. But, oh my god, if you do not check your e-mail, you get in big big troubles.


George: Why? What happened? What happened to you?


Crystal: I almost got kicked out of my own house before.


George: It sounds awesome. So, you ... what happened?


Crystal: I haven't check my e-mail for months and they've been sending me e e-mails saying oh you're gonna get kicked out, and please remove your stuff from your house.


George: Hah!


Crystal: And I never got it till the last day when I was leaving the country.


George: Interesting.


Crystal: A big lesson learned, you must check your e-mail. How often do you check your e-mail? George.


George: Oh..I checked it pretty often, but I just never really replied to anybody. You know I probably replied maybe once every three months.


Crystal: Yeah, you never reply to me.


George: Yeah, my bad, my bad, I'm sorry. Alright.


Crystal: OK!


美語情景對話 第1272期:How often do you check your e-mail? 你多久查看一次郵箱?


1. used to do sth. 過去常常;過去曾;
例句:She used to enjoy a healthy and active life as other happy children but a disease has snatched away all that she used to have.
2. sth. happen to sb. (尤指不愉快的事)發生(在…身上);(某人)遭到;遇到;
例句:This sort of thing should not happen to us.
3. kick out of 強使離開;趕走;
例句:The country's leaders kicked five foreign journalists out of the country.
4. reply to 回覆;回答;
例句:He did not even have the courtesy to reply to my fax.


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