
首頁 > 口語英語 > 實用生活英語口語 > 美語情景對話 第1212期:What parts of the paper do you read? 你喜歡看報紙的哪個版面?

美語情景對話 第1212期:What parts of the paper do you read? 你喜歡看報紙的哪個版面?

推薦人: 來源: 閱讀: 1.73W 次

Miki: Hello, I'm Miki from Nigeria and you are?

美語情景對話 第1212期:What parts of the paper do you read? 你喜歡看報紙的哪個版面?

Shon: Hello, I'm Shon from Uzbekistan. Nice to meet you. Here is a question. What parts of newspaper do you read?


Miki: I love reading the sport, sorry, I love reading the sports section because that's the first part I go to any time I get my hands on a newspaper.


Shon: Well that's cool, which means you like sports?


Miki: Yes.


Shon: I usually read also but the first thing I do when I buy the newspaper I read the back part where they put all these comedies.


Miki: Well, that's lovely.


Shon: Because it makes you feel happy, yes.


Miki: Thank you that's nice. I like laughing too but sports can be fun you know because there's all the juice about what goes around in the world concerning the sporting events so that's why I love the sports section.


Shon: Thank you very much.


Miki: All right.




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