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《西遊記》是吳承恩寫的一部神話小說(mythological novel),講述的是唐僧在三個徒弟孫悟空、豬八戒和沙僧的保護下去西天取經(to find the Buddhist scripture )的故事。

一路上,唐僧經常被妖怪(demon )捉走,性命垂危,因爲它們相信吃了他的肉就可以長生不老,因而他的三個徒弟總要一次又一次地解救他。



Journey to the Westis a mythological novel written by Wu Cheng'en which tells a story about Tangseng—the Master, who went to the West to find the Buddhist scripture under the protection of his three disciples- Monkey King, Pigsy and Sandy.

During the journey, Tangseng is often captured and has his life threatened, because the demons who capture him believe that if they eat Tangseng they can attain immortality. As a result, his three disciples always have to save him time and again. 

After experiencing 81 difficulties, the four obtain the true scripture and become Buddha. In 1986,the novel was adapted into a TV series, which was very popular among the massive audience.


1.徒弟孫悟空、豬八戒和沙僧:有固定的譯法,分別爲Monkey King,Pigsy和Sandy。這裏的“徒弟”翻譯爲disciples (門徒,弟子)最爲恰當。

2.在...的保護下:應譯爲 under the protection of...

3.性命垂危:不可翻譯爲somebody's life is very dangerous,而應譯爲have one's life threatened,即“生命受到威脅”。

4.長生不老:有多種譯法,既可譯爲live forever,也可譯爲be immortal或 attain immortality。

5.九九81難:可譯爲81 difficulties。文中的九九表達的意思和81是一樣的, 所以譯文中可以不體現。

6.修煉成佛:直接譯爲become Buddha即可。除表示“佛像”之外,Buddha 在表示“佛”的時候單複數形式相同。



《西遊記》(Journey to the West)是中國四大名著之一。16世紀90年代,明朝時期,《西遊記》匿名出版,雖然沒有現存證據直接證明該書作者,但20世紀以來,人們一直認爲作者是學者吳承恩。

這部小說是關於唐朝佛教和尚玄奘,爲取得佛教經書(Buddhist scriptures),前往印度的朝聖之旅。

觀音菩薩(the Bodhisattva Guanyin)受佛祖指令,將西行取經的任務交給玄奘和三個負責保護玄奘的徒弟—孫悟空、豬八戒、沙悟淨,還有一個龍太子變做玄奘的坐騎。



Journey to the Westis one of the Four Great Classical Novels in China. Published first anonymously in the 1590s during the Ming Dynasty,and even though there is no direct evidence of its authorship, it has been said that the author is Wu Cheng'en since the 20th century.

The novel is about the legends of the Buddhist monk Xuanzang’s pilgrimage to India during the Tang dynasty in order to obtain Buddhist scriptures.

Instructed by the Buddha, the Bodhisattva Guanyin assigns this task to the monk and his three protectors in the form of disciples, namely Monkey King, Pigsy and Sandy, together with a dragon prince who acts as Xuanzang's horse. 

These four characters have agreed to help Xuanzang go to the West as confession for their past sins.


1.《西遊記》:可譯爲Journey to the West或Pilgrimage to the West,可以理解爲“向西的旅行”或“向西的朝聖之旅”。

2.四大名著:可譯爲the Four Great Classical Novels。

3.前往印度的朝聖之旅:可譯爲pilgrimage to India。其中pilgrimage意爲“朝聖之旅”。

4.負責保護玄奘的徒弟:可譯爲his three protectors in the form of disciples。



《紅樓夢》(A Dream of Red Mansions)是曹雪芹在18世紀中期的作品。它不僅是一部中國小說的鉅作,同時也是世界文學的瑰寶。





A Dream of Red Mansions was written by Cao Xueqin in the middle of the 18th century. It is not only a great Chinese novel but also a gem of world literature.

Cao Xueqin was born into a noble family which decLined from extreme prosperity to poverty. 

Based on his own understanding of life, progressive ideas, serious writing attitude and excellent writing skills, he was able to createA Dream of Red Mansions. 

The book describes the life and declining fortunes of a large feudal family, which is both a realistic reflection and a fictional or "dream” version of Cao's  family.


1.它不僅是一部中國小說的鉅作,同時也是世界文學的瑰寶:“不僅...也…”可譯爲not only...but also"。

2.曹雪芹出生於一個由極富沒落到極貧的貴族權勢家族:“出生於”可譯爲固定短語be born into。

3.這本書描述了一個封建大家庭的生活及其沒落:“一個封建大家庭”可譯爲a large feudal family, “沒落”可譯爲declining fortunes。









《紅樓夢》 被公認爲中國古典四大名著之首,也被稱爲中國封建社會的百科全書。




A Dream of Red Mansions, written in the 18th century, is the peak of Chinese classical novels.


Based on the rise and fall of the four major families / clans of Jia, Shi, Wang and Xue, and taking the love and marriage tragedy between Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu as the main line, the novel vividly reproduces the customs, human geography and social politics of the late period of Chinese feudal society.


The novel portrays a large number of characters and depicts the living conditions of people from all walks of life in the feudal society in an all-around way.


It is universally believed to top the four classical Chinese Masterpieces, and also known as the Encyclopedia of Chinese feudal society.


A Dream of Red Mansions has/enjoys/ be of great value of historical research. Since its publication/appearance, it has attracted the attention/concern and research of

generations of scholars with its infinite charm.



1.巔峯: peak / climax / pinnacle / prime /  top / highlight

2. 文學作品:literary works;book;novel

3. 興衰:rise and decline / fall;

4. 主線:principal / main line / plot

5. 封建社會:feudal society

6. 風俗習慣:social customs

7. 人文地理:human geography

8. 社會政治:social politics

9. 塑造:model; build; portray; shape; create

10. 全面:overall; comprehensive; all-round

11. 描繪:describe; display; depict

12. 各個階層: people from all walks of life

13. 公認:universally acknowledged; accepted

14. 被稱爲:be known as; be called; be recognized as; be referred to as







Water Margin is one of the four classic Chinese classics. After it was published, it had a huge impact on society and became a model of Chinese novel creation in later generations.

The book describes the great story of Liangshan heroes resisting oppression, the growth of marshes of Mount Liang and the enlistment of the Song Dynasty, as well as the grand story of the final demise after fighting for the Song Dynasty. It enthusiastically praises the rebellion heroes' struggle and their social ideals. 

Water Margin is one of the first chapter stories written in vernacular in Chinese history, and it is also one of the works with epic characteristics in Chinese literature. It has a profound influence on narrative literature in China and even East Asia.


1. 《水滸傳》:Water Margin

2. 水泊梁山:marshes of Mount Liang

3. 反抗欺壓:resist oppression

4. 社會理想:social ideal
