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中國將推進郵輪旅遊產業發展 Beijing maps tourism plan

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中國將推進郵輪旅遊產業發展 Beijing maps tourism plan

Beijing is encouraging Chinese employers to give workers half a day’s paid leave on summer Fridays to help encourage tourism and bolster flagging economic growth.


China’s State Council has also made recommendations such as building more ports for cruise ships and camp sites, improving public toilets and providing WiFi at tourist spots. Ten ports for cruise ships will be built by 2020 and state companies will be encouraged to build holiday boats to spur growth, the council said.


China is trying to reduce overcrowding at domestic tourist destinations, as rising affluence leads to an explosion in domestic travel . Beijing has responded by trying to press employers to offer paid leave outside national holidays, when tourism infrastructure is overburdened. Tourism is also one of the sectors seen by Beijing as a growth sector.



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