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FT社評 新興經濟體亟需結構改革

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It was not too long ago that the emerging markets were regularly eulogised as the permanent powerhouses of the world economy. During the 2000s, with excitable neologisms like Brics (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) coined in their honour, the big emerging economies drove a boom in global output and trade.


And when the rich world suffered a dislocating shock during the financial crisis in 2008, many middle-income nations, with relatively resilient banking systems and large foreign exchange reserves, rode out the turbulence and rapidly resumed growing.


FT社評 新興經濟體亟需結構改革

That euphoria, which has been subsiding for years, is now at a low ebb. This week the World Bank warned of a “structural slowdown” as developing nations ceded the leading role on global growth to the rich world. A decline in import demand means emerging markets subtracted from world trade growth in the first quarter of this year for the first time since 2009.

幾年來,這種欣快感一直在消退,如今則已陷入低潮。上週,世界銀行(World Bank)警告稱,發展中國家面臨一場“結構性放緩”,它們把全球增長“領頭羊”的地位讓給了富裕世界。進口需求下滑意味着,今年第一季度新興市場對世界貿易增長的貢獻出現了下降,這是2009年來的首次。

In reality, weaknesses within the emerging world have been evident for some time. Few countries have built the kind of diverse high-productivity economy that will propel them into the first rank of rich states.


According to a study by the International Monetary Fund, the slowdown in trend growth in middle-income countries has been in train since the crisis. For years, weak productivity improvements were masked by low interest rates, helped by quantitative easing in the US, and by high commodity prices.


Those props are now being kicked away and, with the US Federal Reserve yet to raise rates, there may still be a bigger squeeze to come. The growth model of countries like Brazil has been exposed. Chronic deficits, high inflation and an overvalued exchange rate have left the country with no alternative but tighter monetary policy and a recession. The evaporation of a favourable external environment exposes the past failure to reform. One or two leaders, such as Narendra Modi in India and Joko Widodo in Indonesia, are belatedly trying to reorient government spending away from wasteful subsidies and towards productive investment, but it will take time.

如今,這些支撐因素正被移除,考慮到美聯儲(Fed)早晚會加息,新興世界未來或許還將面臨更大的擠壓。巴西等國家的增長模式已暴露於風險中。長期赤字、高通脹率和被高估的匯率,使得巴西別無選擇,只能收緊貨幣政策、接受衰退。有利外部環境的消失,暴露出這些國家過去未能實施改革。有一兩位新興國家領導人,比如印度的納倫德拉•莫迪(Narendra Modi)和印尼的佐科•維多多(Joko Widodo),進行了姍姍來遲的嘗試——調整政府開支、減少浪費性補貼、增加有助提高生產率的投資,但這些嘗試要想見效還需要時間。

The process of poor countries getting rich, much of which used to be driven by export-led manufacturing, has become more complex. Emerging economies are routinely turning away from manufacturing at much lower levels of income than earlier waves of industrialisers. An apparent structural fall in trade growth relative to overall expansion, probably as a result of nations like China taking more of their supply chains in-country, means less chance for other developing countries to export their way to prosperity.


Many development economists talk of a “middle-income trap”, where economies stall at relatively low levels of per capita gross domestic product. To increase trend growth, emerging markets will have to address the full range of structural impediments to expansion. This means not just the traditional issues of streamlining regulation and building infrastructure but also the more complex challenges of improving education, promoting competition and designing regulation to develop high value-added service sectors.


Even if that happens, it is unlikely to show big improvements in the short term. Economies do not instantaneously leap on to a long-term high-growth path even if the right policies are followed. But if emerging countries are to return to leading global economic growth, there is no other way. For emerging markets, the years of easy growth from cheap money and fat commodity earnings are over. The need for reform has now become acute.
