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調整心態熱愛你的工作 2

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4. Dare to ask yourself if it's worth it. If you can't find the part of your job that you like, or if you can see yourself turning into the person you said you would never be, consider the reasons. It may not be a new job that you need, just a new direction. Do you like the person you are doing this job? If not, are there changes you can make to the way you do your job or is the job itself the problem? Do you need to be doing a different position within the same company? Are additional responsibilities taking you away from the work you were hired to do? Maybe all that's needed is some refocusing. Learn to say "no". As much as you can choose the things you spend your time on, don't attend events or meetings only because everyone expects it.

Asking yourself why you do your job doesn't mean you're dissatisfied, just self-aware. This awareness can lead to greater job satisfaction, increased sense of well being and a little more control over what you do, rather than just "going along for the ride". For some, it may be time for a change — if so, don't be afraid of it. Change isn't necessarily bad, it's just different. For the rest of us, take a look around, you may find you've got a great view.

Take a look at your life. How would you describe it? Contented? Rushed? Exciting? Stressful? Moving forward? Holding back? For many of us it's all of the above at times. There are things we dream of doing one day, there are things we wish we could forget. In the Bible, it says that Jesus came to make all things new. What would your life look like if you could start over with a clean slate? ( finished)

(續)4. 敢於問自己是否值得。如果你不能在工作中找到感興趣的部分,或者你看到自己正在轉變爲你永遠都不想成爲的那種人,那麼考慮一下原因。可能你需要的不是一份新工作,而是一個新的方向。你喜歡工作時的那個自己嗎?如果不喜歡,你能否改變一下自己的工作方法,還是工作本身存在問題?你是否需要在這個公司調換一下職位?是否因爲承擔額外的責任而脫離了本職工作?或許所有需要的就是重新定向。學會說“不”。儘量選擇做那些你應該花費時間的工作,而不要因爲其他人的要求就去做其他事情或參加別的會議。


審視一下自己的生活。你怎麼描述它呢?滿足?匆忙?刺激?緊迫?前進?還是後退?對許多人來說,生活經常都是以上所有的情形。有些事情我們夢想着有一天可以去做,而有些事情我們希望可以忘卻。聖經上說,耶穌使一切煥然一新。如果你以新的姿態重新開始,你的生活會是怎樣的呢? (完)