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Of all the foods out there, mayonnaise is definitely one of the most divisive. Some hate it so much they can hardly stand the sight of this condiment, others would happily slather it on top of everything they eat.

No matter what side of the line you stand on, there's no denying that mayonnaise is a big part of our food world and so it's only wise to know a thing or two about it -- or nine. Without further ado, a quick education on the white, jiggly stuff that makes BLTs the sandwich we adore.


1. Mayonnaise can be made with nothing more than oil, egg yolks and lemon juice (or vinegar).
1. 蛋黃醬也就是用油、蛋黃和檸檬汁或是醋製成的。

When it's homemade, it hardly resembles the store-bought kind at all.

2. Barack Obama hates mayonnaise.
2. 貝拉克·奧巴馬討厭吃蛋黃醬。

And he is not alone.

3. Many of our favorite condiments are made with mayo as their base.
3. 許多我們最愛的調料,用到的基礎材料便是蛋黃醬。

Ranch, Thousand Island, tartar sauce, and aioli, to name a few.

4. It's most commonly believed that mayonnaise was invented in 1756 by a French chef.
4. 人們普遍認爲蛋黃醬是在1756年由一位法國廚師調製出來的。

It got its name to honor a battle won at the Port Mahon. However, the Spanish claim that the sauce was a native invention of theirs called Salsa Mahonesa and that the French stole it during this battle.
傳言蛋黃醬的名字是爲了紀念在馬洪港取得的勝利而命名的。不過西班牙人稱蛋黃醬(本土叫做Salsa Mahonesa)是在他們那製出來的。是法國人在那場戰役中竊取了調製祕方。

5. Store-bought mayonnaise is said to be a good remedy for head lice.
5. 據說商店中售賣的蛋黃醬能有效對付頭蝨。

At the very least, it can moisturize dry hair pretty effectively.

6. Hellmann's started out as a popular condiment at a New York deli run by Richard Hellmann.
6. 在紐約一家由理查德·埃爾曼經營的熟食店,埃爾曼牌蛋黃醬一經出售便好評如潮。

He made two versions and distinguished the two with a blue ribbon. The blue ribbon version was in such demand that he bottled and labeled it with the iconic blue ribbon label we know today.

7. It is possible to make mayonnaise without eggs.
7. 蛋黃醬的製作也可以不用雞蛋。

There's no reason vegans should miss out.

8. Mayonnaise is very calorically dense.
8. 蛋黃醬所含高卡路里。

There are about 700 calories per 100 grams.

9. Mayo is a great way to add shine to dull houseplants.
9. 用蛋黃醬讓黯淡的室內植物重綻光彩。

Professional florists know it. Just wash the leaves with soap and water and rub on a drop of mayo. They'll shine for weeks!