
首頁 > 口語英語 > 實用生活英語口語 > 美語情景對話 第1306期:What is your favorite place in your city? 在你的城市你最喜歡的地方是哪裏?

美語情景對話 第1306期:What is your favorite place in your city? 在你的城市你最喜歡的地方是哪裏?

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Aiste: Hello. My name is Aiste and I'm from Lithuania. And now I want to talk about my favorite place in the city. My favorite place in the city is the park. I really like parks because parks are green. Parks like nature inside of a big, big place. In the park you can hide away from the smell of the cars and the noise from the fabrics and always when I'm in the city I always stop in the park for lunch. I prefer much more buying some lunchboxes from the market and coming to eat in the park rather than sitting in cafe and being in one more building again.


Christophe: May I say are you sitting in a park again?


Aiste: Yes.


Christophe: Oh, you like the park, right?


Aiste: What's your favorite place in the city, Christophe?


Christophe: I like the park too because they have swings there.


Aiste: Yeah.


Christophe: Yeah, cool.


Aiste: That's the best part right?


Christophe: That's the best everything.


美語情景對話 第1306期:What is your favorite place in your city? 在你的城市你最喜歡的地方是哪裏?



  • 1美語情景對話 第1270期:Would you rather be a student or a teacher? 你喜歡做學生還是當老師?
  • 2美語情景對話 第1295期:Do you have lots of holidays in your country? 你們國家假期多嗎?
  • 3美語情景對話 第1260期:What is your favorite cuisine? 最愛的美食
  • 4美語情景對話 第1318期:What is a typical evening for you? 你晚上一般做什麼?
  • 5美語情景對話 第1326期:What's an interesting thing in your country? 你的祖國有什麼有意思的事情?
  • 6美語情景對話 第1315期:What is Europe's best country to live in? 哪個歐洲國家最適合居住?
  • 7美語情景對話 第1223期:What is your favorite season? 最喜歡的季節
  • 8美語情景對話 第1284期:What animals are dangerous in your country? 在你的國傢什麼動物比較危險?
  • 9美語情景對話 第1116期:Ridiculously Expensive City 生活成本貴得離譜的城市
  • 10美語情景對話 第1368期:Do students dress inappropriately in your country? 你們國家的學生穿着不當嗎?
  • 11美語情景對話 第1285期:What is being threatened in your country? 在你的國傢什麼正在遭受威脅?
  • 12美語情景對話 第1288期:What is your favorite Chinese dish? 最喜歡的中國菜?
  • 13美語情景對話 第1199期:Where do you like to hang out? 你喜歡去哪裏玩?
  • 14美語情景對話 第1301期:What is your daily routine? 你的日常生活是怎樣的?
  • 15美語情景對話 第1212期:What parts of the paper do you read? 你喜歡看報紙的哪個版面?
  • 推薦閱讀

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  • 2英語演講稿:Keep your goal in mind
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  • 13What is it you sit on, sleep in, and brush your teeth with?
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