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Republicans have overwhelmed Democrats in sweeping election victories across the US to win a solid majority in the Senate and take full control of Congress for the final two years of Barack Obama’s presidency.

共和黨在美國中期選舉中大勝民主黨,穩穩贏得參議院多數席位。在巴拉克•奧巴馬(Barack Obama)總統任期的最後兩年,共和黨已並完全控制美國國會。

The rebuke to Democrats in Congress was reinforced by a wave of Republican victories in key governors’ races, in Florida, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin.



The Republicans also increased their majority in the House of Representatives, with the three results collectively giving the party a significant psychological boost after scarring defeats in the last two presidential elections.


“We’re excited about what this night is going to bring the party,” said Reince Priebus, the head of the Republican National Committee. The party last held both houses of Congress in 2006.

美國共和黨全國委員會(Republican National Committee)主席雷恩斯•普瑞巴斯(Reince Priebus)表示:“我們對於今夜(美國時間)將帶給共和黨的結果感到興奮。”共和黨上一次奪得參衆兩院控制權是在2006年。

Mr Obama, mindful that he will need to find ways to work with a Republican-controlled Congress, invited congressional leaders to a meeting in the White House on Friday, before he heads to Asia for eight days.


John Boehner, the Republican House speaker, said he was committed to working with Mr Obama, but struck a combative tone, calling on the president to disavow reports that he planned to launch “a ‘counterattack’ on the new majority.”

美國國會衆議院議長約翰•博納(John Boehner)表示,他將致力於與奧巴馬合作,但他的口吻有些不客氣,他呼籲奧巴馬否認有關他計劃對新的多數黨發動“反擊”的報道。

Almost $4bn is expected to be spent on the midterm elections, a record amount, according to the Centre for Responsive Politics, the watchdog group, with Republicans spending slightly more than Democrats. The total includes nearly $1bn by outside campaign groups not formally attached to the candidates and parties.

監督機構美國政治研究中心(Center for Responsive Politics)稱,預計美國此次中期選舉花費將達到創紀錄的近40億美元,共和黨的支出略多於民主黨。其中包括與候選人和兩黨沒有正式關聯的外部競選組織花費的近10億美元。

Mr Obama is suffering from the same kind of slump that has hurt many second-term presidents. Even though the US economy is growing at its fastest rate in a decade, wage and salary earners are not feeling the effects of the benefits.


The White House has also come under fire for its faltering responses to the Ebola outbreak, Russian aggression in Ukraine and the Islamist militants of Isis, adding to voters’ sense of vulnerability in a dangerous world, say pollsters.
