
首頁 > 口語英語 > 實用生活英語口語 > 美語情景對話 第1197期:What is your favorite country beside

美語情景對話 第1197期:What is your favorite country beside

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JM: My name is JM, I'm from the Philippines.


Phuong: My name is Phuong and I'm from Vietnam.


JM: Today's question is what is your favorite country besides your own?


Phuong: OK. I really love Holland beside my own country because I think Holland is very nice country with good weather and I love it too. In Holland it is very famous for tulips so I think it's the place for me to come and also I think people in Holland are very nice and they are kind and warm, so I think that it's my favorite country beside my own country. How about you?


JM: For me, I'd have to say it's Canada.


Phuong: Ooo.


JM: Yeah. A few years ago I lived there for about four or five months with my sister who lives in Toronto and it's a really, really nice place. It's a great city, people there are really, really friendly, they are very nice so I like it there. Also the weather is very cold, because I live in the Philippines so it's always hot and warm so I kind of like the really, really cold weather.


Phuong: OK. Thank you.


JM: Thank you.


美語情景對話 第1197期:What is your favorite country beside


1. be from 來自;產自;
例句:Where he is from is of no consequence to me.
2. be famous for 著名的;有名的;
例句:The area is famous for its very mild winter climate.
3. kind of 稍微;有幾分;有點兒;
例句:It kind of gives us an idea of what's happening.


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