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美國習慣用語 第798:雪上加霜

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上禮拜我在網上買了一件晚禮服,準備週末去朋友婚禮時穿。因爲時間緊,我多付了一些錢,要求網站加急送貨。誰知,本應兩天到貨的衣服卻拖了5天才遲遲送到。我已經生氣了,誰知更糟的是,打開盒子一看,衣服的尺寸完全錯了! 我簡直氣炸了,這種情況可以用一個習慣用語來形容: add fuel to the fire.


Fuel, 是油,fire是火焰,add fuel to the fire的意思是“火上澆油,讓情況變得更糟”。晚禮服遲寄,我已經不高興,然後,the company added fuel to the fire by sending me the dress in the wrong size 商家還搞錯尺寸,這就讓我更加生氣,簡直是火上澆油!


例句-1:Passengers like me are fed up with the airline industry. First, they charged us more for checking a bag while discontinuing free meals during flights. That was bad enough. To add fuel to the fire, they're talking about making us tag our own luggage, too. That's why consumer complaints have increased so dramatically!

這段話是說:象我這樣的飛機乘客實在是受夠航空公司了。首先,它們給托運行李費漲價,還取消了免費飛機餐。然後它們又打算讓旅客自己動手做行李籤,這不是蹬鼻子上臉麼! 這就是爲什麼消費者投訴增加了這麼多!

現在有些航空公司的做法的確非常過分。像水啊、耳機啊、小枕頭等等原來免費的機上服務,現在都要收費! 難怪旅客們怨聲載道。



例句-2:It's not surprising that Ellen broke up with Tom. At the party last weekend, she overheard him criticizing her for not watching her weight. The situation got worse when she later caught him exchanging phone numbers with one of her girlfriends. No doubt, that added fuel to fire. By the next morning, she had moved out of his apartment.


這個女孩兒被男友這樣對待,一定很傷心。我的一個朋友曾經比她更慘,在被男友拋棄後,還丟了工作,後來又生了場大病。That's added fuel to the fire。這真是雪上加霜。