
首頁 > 口語英語 > 實用生活英語口語 > 美語情景對話 第1311期:How do you keep fit? 你怎麼保持健康?

美語情景對話 第1311期:How do you keep fit? 你怎麼保持健康?

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Chris: Hello. I am Chris from Belgium.


Aiste: And I'm Aiste from Lithuania. So Chris, I think you like extreme sports, don't you? Enough.


Chris: Yeah, I'm training for the Guinness world record push ups. I want to break the Guinness world record of push ups.


Aiste: What is the record now?


Chris: One thousand, two hundred forty six.


Aiste: No, no, come on. It's not nice at all. It's too extreme. It's not, it's, it will destroy you.


Chris: No, no, it's very healthy because it's very good for your muscles and for your heart and for your lungs. It's very healthy. Extreme sports are actually, I love them. I think it's very healthy because people say it's not healthy, it's too much, but I don't believe that. It makes you stronger so I like it.


Aiste: OK, try your best.


美語情景對話 第1311期:How do you keep fit? 你怎麼保持健康?


1. come on 得了吧;算了吧;
例句:Come on, Sue, that was two years ago.
2. not at all (用於表示強調)一點不,根本沒有;
例句:I am not an obsessive. Not at all.
3. be good for 有利的;有益的;
例句:They argued all the time and thought it couldn't be good for the baby.
4. try one's best 盡全力;竭盡所能;盡最大努力;
例句:He said that he would try his best and now he really succeed.


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