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外貿英語話題王(MP3+中英字幕) 第121期:商檢協議

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Discussion about inspection

外貿英語話題王(MP3+中英字幕) 第121期:商檢協議

A: There is another point which should be discussed and cleared up.

A: 還有一點要討論和澄清,

A: That's the commodity inspection.

A: 這就是檢驗問題。

A: How will the clause of inspection be stipulated in the cotract?

A: 檢驗條款在合同中應如何規定?

B: The goods under the contract will be inspected by the commodity inspection bureau at the port of loading

B: 本合同項目下的貨物於裝船前在裝運港由商檢局進行檢驗,

B: before they are shipped and the certificate of quality and quantity/weight issued by the bureau shall be regarded as final and binding upon parties.

B: 該局簽發的品質和數量或重量證書爲最後依據,對雙方有約束力。

A: Do you mean that you sell on shipped quality and quantity?

A: 這意思是說你們按離岸時品質及數量賣貨嗎?

A: But what about the case of disqualification or short weight on arrival?

A: 但如果貨到後發現質量不合格或短貨怎麼辦?

B: I can assure you that is not likely to happen.

B: 你也許知道,這種情況不太可能會發生。

B: Our goods must be up to export standards before the inspection bureau release them.

B: 我向你保證不會發生這樣的情況,我們的貨物只有在符合出口標準後商檢局纔會放行。

B: As you may know, the commodity inspection bureauour enjoys international reputation for impartiality.

B: 你也許知道,此商檢局的公正全球聞名。

A: We have heard about the reputation of both CIB and your products and never doubt them.

A: 對貴方產品及商檢局的良好信譽我們已有所聞,因此並不懷疑,

A: but what in case there is short weight or disqualification?

A: 但是萬一發生短重或質量不符合怎麼辦?

A: Would you tell me whether the buyers have the right to reinspect the goods when goods arrive?

A: 貨物抵達後買方是否有權檢查?

A: Are we entitled to lodge claims?

A: 我們是否有權提出索賠?

B: Yes. of course.

B: 當然有權。

B: You have the right of reinspection.

B: 你方有權複檢,

B: But for this particular item,we follow the international practice that the reinspectin should be made within 7 days upon the arrival of the goods

B: 但是根據國際慣例,對該商品的複檢應在貨物抵達後7天內進行。

B: and if any discrepancies are found you may lodge claims with us within 30 days.

B: 如有索賠,必須在30天內提出。

A: Well,I suppose I'm clear about this point.

A: 我想對這點我已經清楚了,

A: Thank you for being patient with me.

A: 謝謝你的耐心解釋。

B: Don't mention it.

B: 別客氣.

B: That's what I'm here for.

B: 這是我的工作。