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外貿英語話題王(MP3+中英字幕) 第127期:檢驗爭議

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Discrepancy about Inspection

外貿英語話題王(MP3+中英字幕) 第127期:檢驗爭議

A: Shall we talk about the question of inspection?

A: 我們討論一下商品檢驗問題好嗎?

B: Sure, go ahead. What terms of commodity inspection are stipulated in the contract?

B: 好的,開始吧。合同中的檢驗條款是怎樣規定的?

A: The goods imported must be inspected according to the legal process, and the reinspection should be carried out within a week on arrival.

A: 進口商品必須經過法定程序的檢驗,而且應在貨物達到後一週內進行。

B: What would happen if we have some disputes over the results of the reinspection?

B: 如果我們對檢驗結果有爭議該怎麼處理?

A: We can turn to some international authorities.

A: 我們可以求助於權威機構做出公正的判定。

B: What if that won't help us to find our respective satisfaction?

B: 如果權威機構沒有給出我們雙方都滿意的答覆該怎麼辦?

A: Then we can solve the problem through communication and negotiation.

A: 那麼我們也可以通過協商和溝通來解決問題。

B: That will be just fine. In what way or process will the commodities be inspected?

B: 那很好。商品檢驗要以什麼方式和程序進行?

A: Inspections will be made by sampling and they will be made by inspections as well as reinspection.

A: 檢驗應抽樣進行並且要經過檢驗和複驗兩個步驟。