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Theresa May has set out the terms of a new grand bargain with business, where the government invests to boost productivity and cuts corporation tax, in exchange for help tackling the worst excesses of capitalism.

英國首相特里薩.梅(Theresa May)已經擬定了與商界的新“全盤交易”的條款,英國政府將投錢提振生產率並削減公司稅,以換取企業幫忙應對資本主義那些最醜惡的過分行爲。

Setting out her business strategy, the UK prime minister proposes in the Financial Times a pact with corporate Britain to work together to defend capitalism, free markets and free trade from populist attacks.


She promises to back business with a new industrial strategy that will include an extra £2bn a year by 2020 to support research and development.


Mrs May, who on Monday will address the annual conference of the CBI, Britain’s biggest business lobby, says she wants the UK to become the world’s “go-to place for scientists, innovators and tech investors”.


Philip Hammond, the Chancellor, will present his first Autumn Statement mini-budget this week and will announce more investment in road improvements, while Mrs May will tell the CBI that the government will support innovation through the tax system and deliver the “lowest corporation rate in the G20”.

英國財政大臣菲利普.哈蒙德(Philip Hammond)本週將呈交其任內的首份《秋季報告》(Autumn Statement,被稱爲“迷你預算案”),並宣佈加大在道路改善方面的投資。同時,梅將告訴英國工商業聯合會,政府將通過稅收制度支持創新,向企業提供“20國集團(G20)中最低的公司稅稅率”。

Corporation tax is already due to come down to 17 per cent in 2020 — the lowest rate in the G20 — but Mrs May’s allies said Britain could drop the rate to 15 per cent if Donald Trump fulfilled his promise to cut US business tax to that level.

英國的公司稅稅率已定於在2020年時下調至17%,這是G20中最低的。但梅的盟友表示,如果唐納德.特朗普(Donald Trump)兌現其承諾,將美國的公司稅稅率降至15%,英國可能會將該稅率降至同一水平。

Mrs May is also planning to dilute one her most contentious business proposals, that workers should be represented on company boards.


The prime minister is looking at alternative models, rather than having an ordinary worker at board meetings. This could include a director instructed to reflect shop floor or consumer opinion.


However, she is determined to press ahead with a proposal to give shareholders a binding vote on executive pay.


Mrs May’s offering to business has strings attached: she says business must work with her to create “the best corporate governance of any major economy” to stave off attacks on capitalism.
