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Spotted at minh--Jenny Humphrey buying 16 yards of tulle. But since when does Eleanor WAldorf pay for her purchases with a penny jar? They say a stitch in time saves nine. Will it save little J.?


tulle: 薄紗
penny jar: 裝便士的瓶子,儲蓄罐
a stitch in time saves nine:A little timely effort will prevent more work later. 直譯的話就是,東西破了,縫的及時的話一針可能就足夠了。也可以翻作“小洞不補,大洞吃苦”

Agnes: We are going to blow them away.
Jenny: We better, otherwise I am so dead.

blow away: 傾倒某人

Agnes: So what? After tonight you'll be so famous, you'll have ten Nate Archibalds.
Jenny: Yeah, except I only want the one.
Agnes: Okay, fine, then you have to make the move. That's the only way it's gonna work.

make the move: 那你就要主動一點了

Dan: I just--i think they're up to something, man, with their closed doors and this private thing for Eleanor.

be up to something: 忙着做什麼,注意up這種小詞在口語中出現頻率很高

Dan: Good? No. It means she had the first one read it. He didn't likeit. Neither did the second, and after the third, she probably just gaveup. And why text before calling if you don't need to soften the blow?

text: 發短消息,當然也可以說send a message, 不過好像text更常用。
blow: 這裏的blow是“打擊”

Emma: So Muffy Mcdonough's been bragging about how she's gonna lose her virginity 'cause she finally landed a date with the lacrosse captain. They call him "the de-virginator."
Blair: Oh, my god. Stop your mouth from moving.
Emma: But now that I finally have the night away from mom and dad, we'll see who's first. I'm saying my you know what.
Blair: Or maybe we'll see how your mom feels about your little clearance sale, Lohan.

brag about: 吹噓,誇誇其談
de-virginator: 處女殺手,看到有一個字幕組翻成“辣手催花”,很強!de-這個詞根表示“去除”的含義,比如detox(排毒), dehydrate(脫水), deodorization(除臭).
TTFN: Ta Ta For Now,再見;來源是Winnie the Pooh的老虎Tigger說的。這個詞組還有一個意思是Time To Fuck Now, 所以Lohan在這裏用了TTFN的雙關含義。
you know what: 你知道的啦(這裏指virginity), 中文裏面我們常用“那個”表示一些不好意思說出口的單詞,英文裏就可以用這個詞組。
clearance sale: 清倉大甩賣

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Blair: Little Emma--turns out she's less Holly Hobbie and more Jenna Jameson.
Serena: Can you speak plainly?
Blair: She's determined to become a woman on my watch, and if I don't help pimp her out, she's gonna character-assassinate me to the dean.

Holly Hobbie是一個卡通人物,我沒看過這部電影,但是根據後文推測,這個Holly應該是一個很純真的小姑娘。而後面的Jenna Jameson則是美國家喻戶曉的色情明星。
Can you speak plainly?: 你能說的清楚點嗎(說人話吧)
on my watch: 在我的眼皮底下
pimp: 拉皮條,這裏的pimp her out是指“如果我不能把她推銷出去的話”
character-assassinate: 詆譭

Blair: Emma, I was thinking, where is the glory in bedding down with some dirty Manhattan hipster who's probably filming you on the nanny cam? You really want to make Muffy jealous? Have your flower plucked by one of the elite.

hipster: 一開始我以爲是嬉皮士(hippy),但其實不是,hipster是指那些hot and cool guy.A hipster is one who possesses tastes, social attitudes, and opinions deemed cool by the cool.
nanny cam: or nanny camera, is a hidden video camerathat has been secretly installed within a common household object. Ananny cam is usually used to secretly monitor and record the activitiesof home caregivers, hence the name "Nanny Cam" although it can be usedto clandestinely record any activity.
pluck the flower: 採花,這裏就是lost the virginity的意思了。deflower也可以表示同樣的意思,後面在酒吧裏的那段,B問起Emma,Chuck回答She assaulted me, demanded I deflower her.

Serena: I put out an A.P.B. on "gossip girl" with Emma's facebook picture on it. Every girl in Manhattan will be on the lookout.

A.P.B.: All Points Bulletin 法律上的一個用語,表示“全面通緝”
on the lookout: 大家會幫忙尋找的



Emma: It says, "Muffy's muff gets stuffed." does that mean…
Blair: That little Muffy took her first steps as a woman? Afraid so.
Emma: She lost her virginity and her "gossip girl" cherry in the same night? But how did she get on "gossip girl"?
Chuck: It pays to have connections.

muff: Contrary to popular believe,the word muff is not associated with hair at all. Instead, the word"muff" is an inoffensive, slang word for a vagina. Emma的朋友叫做Muffy,而muff在俚語中又正好有vagina的意思,所以Muffy’s muff gets stuffed.這句話寫的很妙,需要大家自己體會一下其中含義。
cherry : a widely used, somewhat impolite, slang term for a woman's hymen. 所以cherry在這裏也不是“櫻桃”了,它和lose the virginity是一個意思。
connection: 有關係,有門路

Dan: Tonight my sister alienatedeveryone in her life. But tomorrow she's gonna be in "The New YorkTimes." I just can't help but wonder if she's the one with all the guts in the family.
Serena: Hey, where is this coming from?
Dan: Nowhere. nowhere. I'm sorry. The Humphreys already spoiled your mom's night. I don't wanna spoil yours, too.

alienate: 疏遠,隔離,把身邊的人都推開
guts: 膽子,膽量,勇氣
where is this coming from: 這股怨氣哪裏來的,你怎麼會有這樣的想法(很常用的一句話)
spoil: 掃興,破壞,可以說spoil your fun或者spoil your night / party.

What was your plan-- take my daughter clubbing and hope she'd plead your case to the dean?

club: 這裏做動詞,就是我們說的“泡吧”
plead your case: 求情,律師辯護的時候會說plead guilty (認罪)或者plead no guilty(不認罪)

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So, Serena, tell me about Karl Lagerfeld's birthday party.

墨鏡,紮起的白髮,黑色的西裝,這是Karl的經典裝束。他是著名的設計師,從Chole到Fendi,還有現在的Chanel,他也是一個時尚人士,曾經爲了穿上Dior Homme的西裝,不惜辛苦減肥。酷酷的Karl, 才華橫溢的Karl, 大師級的Karl.

Chuck: So Humbert Humbert's name is Serge Grodanz.

Humbert Humber是小說Lolita裏的主人公,他十分迷戀12歲的女孩子Dolores Haze(就是Lolita),具體的故事大家可以搜索一下。這裏是配合劇情,因爲Emma還是一個未成年的少女,Chuck就嘲諷帶Emma走的那個Serge有Lolita情結。

Serena: Look, do whatever you want, Blair, but please save Emma first.
Blair: Fine. We'll save little red riding hood from the big bad wolf. But after that, it's bulldog, bulldog, rah, rah, rah!

Blair說這段話的時候很有氣勢,非常可愛。 little red riding hood就是小紅帽,big bad wolf就是大灰狼,而那個rah rah rah就是英文的“汪汪汪”。

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